Japanese Commercial Graphic Designs 1920s

The site contains images of graphic designs used in Japanese advertisements during the 1920s.

The images were published in 1928 as supplements to the publication, Shoten zuan senshu 商店図案撰集(advertisement designs) by the now-defunct Shotenkai 商店界. The Library accession record indicates that the supplement was donated by Bishop Yemyo Imamura Memorial Library of Honpa Honguanji Hawaii 本派本願寺in 1939.

No information is available on individual graphic designs. The titles were created by the Library Asia Collection staff to identify each image. All the categories have been assigned by the Asia Collection staff based on the image.

Nanba, Koji 難波功士, “Showa zenki no Kokokukai: Zasshi ‘Kokokukai” ni miru hito to sangyo (昭和前期の広告界:雑誌『広告界』に見る人と産業” in Ad Studies, vol. 21, 2007, pp 25-29. accessed on July 2012.

Weisenfeld, Gennifer, "Japanese typographic design and the art of letterforms,"In Bridges to Heaven Princeton University Press 2011, accessed in July 2012.

Kokokukai (zasshi) 広告界(雑誌)Wikipedia accessed on July 2012.

“Taisho kaku ariki (大正かくありき)” Geijutsu Shincho 芸術新潮 April 1987.

Related Resources
The 1920’s in Japan 1920年代日本展Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, The Asahi Shinbun, 1988.

The Artists and the Picture Book: the Twenties and the Thirties 子どもの本・1920年代. 1991.

Taisho, Showa shonen shojo zasshi no meibamen 大正・昭和少年少女雑誌の名場面 1992.

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