Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 0684


Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 0684

Reference Number






AT ST. ANDREW'S CENTER OPENING: Prominent persons in army, navy and civilian circles here attended a luncheon Tuesday marking the opening of St. Andrew's Center for Service men. At the left, right to left, are: Bishop S. Harrington Littell, the Rev. Ardys T. Dean, Mayor Petrie and Lt. Col. F.L. Beck, USA. On the right, left to right, are: Attorney Robbins B. Anderson and Admiral Chester W. Nimitz. The center, located in Davies Hall, St. Andrew's cathedral groounds, Emma St. is open daily from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., daily, except Sunday.

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Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library


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