Ejit residents in native-built shack, awaiting turn to board personnel boat


Ejit residents in native-built shack, awaiting turn to board personnel boat

Reference Number






Date stamped on photo verso by U.S. Navy; may not correlate to actual date of photo.
Caption provided by U.S. Navy. This photo is one of a group of twenty three photos that fall under the larger U.S.N. caption heading, "EJIT GROUP (23 pictures covering the days just preceding departure of Ejit residents for Rongelap. They include loading of LCVPs for transport to Uliga.)" To view the complete set of Navy captions (which are housed with the Repatriation photo files), click here.

Spatial Coverage (Location)

Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)

12.5mm x 10.5mm

Is Part Of

"Ronlap Repatriation 1957" file folders, Jack A. Tobin Photograph Collection