НАДЕЖДЫ ЗАВТРАШНЕГО ДНЯ: бларотворительный концерт
Translated Title (English)
Hope for tomorrow: a charity concert
At top of poster: Гос. ордена трудового красного знамени Пермский академический театр оперы и балета им. П. И. Чайковского. On 25 December the Office of Culture of the Perm Oblast Administration, the P. I. Tchaikovsky Theater of Opera and Ballet, and the Association of Professional Classes of Prikam'ye present unique in Russia from the Perm School of Young Composers and the Perm Ballet School a charity concert "Hope for tomorrow." One participant in the program will be laureate Professor Aleksei Muravlev (Moscow). The program begins at 12 pm. Six sponsors are listed at the bottom. This poster is from the Bruce Friend Adams Archive at Univ. Hawaii.