1.1 A description The great earthquake of September 1st, 1923


1.1 A description The great earthquake of September 1st, 1923

Reference Number



c. 1923


[a description typed on a sheet of paper pasted on a black cardboard cover]<br> "THE GREAT EARTHQUAKE of September 1st, 1923.<br><br>On September 1st, 1923, at noon, occurred one of the most violent earthquakes recorded in history, the centre being in Izu Peninsula, and the most destruction being wrought in Yokohama, which in a few seconds was razed to the ground, and a number, variously estimated at between 112,000 and 200,000, killed. In Tokyo the shock was less severe, but both cities were immediately swept by flames, Tokyo being two-thirds consumed and Yokohama entirely. The following pages describe the earthquake as the news was gradually received in Kobe. Some of the early exaggerations concerning Tokyo have been omitted in the light of later contradictions."<br><br>This description is identical to page 4 of the <cite>Great earthquake of September 1st, 1923</cite> publication available digitally from the National Library of Australia: <a href="http://nla.gov.au/nla.gen-vn5756294-s4-v">http://nla.gov.au/nla.gen-vn5756294-s4-v</a>.

Spatial Coverage (Location)

Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)

11.3 X 15.7 cm