Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 0393


Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 0393

Reference Number






IN VICTORY CLUB: Collecting things for salvage, and taking care of small children, are the aims of this small group, members of the Girls' Victory Club organized recently by Evelyn Rieto, 13, of 1574-B Pele St., with the approbal of Brig. Gen. Thomas H. Green, executive in the office of the military governor. Shown with some of their salvaged material, the girls in the picture, left to right, are Joyce Lum, Florence Wills, Evelyn, Dolores Preey, Gladys Rodriwues, Vilma Robello and Betty Lum. The girls have been congratulated by Lt. Gen. Delos C. Emmons, commanding the Hawaiian department and military governor of the territory.

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Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library


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