Page 36 – Stem apex and leaf primordia
c. 1940
Fig. 32 .
Stem apex and leaf primordia
Outlines of a series of longitudinal sections of the apical portion of the stem from a 4-months-old plant to show the development of the leaf primordia and young leaves. Sections (cut 15/ᵘ thick) are shown in serial sequence, A-U incl. l, last formed or youngest leaf primordium; l₁, l₂, l₃, and l₄ are successively older primordia and leaves; sa, stem apex. The broken lines represent the lower limits of the primordia and leaves, and the dotted lines, the procambial and vascular strands. X40.
Stem apex and leaf primordia
Outlines of a series of longitudinal sections of the apical portion of the stem from a 4-months-old plant to show the development of the leaf primordia and young leaves. Sections (cut 15/ᵘ thick) are shown in serial sequence, A-U incl. l, last formed or youngest leaf primordium; l₁, l₂, l₃, and l₄ are successively older primordia and leaves; sa, stem apex. The broken lines represent the lower limits of the primordia and leaves, and the dotted lines, the procambial and vascular strands. X40.