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Heads high, these native troopers march as proudly as their white allies at Southwest Pacific base. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Captain Moy of the Australian Army is shown here employing the natives of Bougainville to work for the Marines. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
The films which circulated in great numbers during the war introduced many Islanders to new and more graphic images of Western culture.[See "more images" below for complete caption]
Natives of New Georgia, who are members of the British Solomon Islands Defense Force in training at Segi Point, New Georgia
Natives of Green Island line up behind their chief (right) and catechist at the dedication of a chapel and cemetery. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
The Payoff: Marine Gunner Powell carefully counts out the money for the line of native women. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Two native girls work in one of the local truck gardens on Peleliu. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
This Melanesian construction worker, as much at home as a monkey on te framework of a warehouse for Marine Corps supplies at a South Pacific base, is proudest of his cap and his cross. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Appearing before the most unusual audience of his career is juggler Marine Pfc. Richard E. Luby, member of the 5th Division show which recently toured Pacific bases. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Lt. Arnold L. Brown, 25, a Navy doctor is shown giving an injection to a native. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Jungle Trading Post: Cpl. Robert A. Weeks a former interior decorator the painter who now uses his talent to camouflage Leathneck [sic] mechanized equipment. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Two American nurses join in a "native" dance to the amusement of all concerned. [See "more images" below for complete caption]