Includes the following: A study-guide to the Communist Manifesto -- Marxism, an introductory course in five parts : dialectical and historical materialism [pt. 5] -- Local election facts for speakers and canvassers -- Wall Street's drive to war by James Klugmann -- Stop the war in Malaya by Jack Woddis -- We fight for peace : report of the 17th congress of the young communist league, May 1950 -- Farmworkers for peace and higher wages by Jack Dunman -- The Soviet transition from socialism to communism by Emile Burns -- 30 years of struggle : the record of the British Communist Party by John Gollan -- The meaning of socialism by Emile Burns -- The communist party, unity, and the fight for peace (Marxist study themes, no. 1) -- Peace depends on the people by Harry Pollitt -- Political letter to all members : forward with confidence (March 13th, 1950) -- 1920-1950 on the thirtieth anniversary of the communist party.