From back of print: The men who made this fine outdoor grill are left to right: (Front row) Sergeant Walter Gotch, Streator Illinois; Private Ira E. Shank, Myerstown, Pennsylvania; Sergeant Andrew Smith, Akron, Ohio; Staff Sergeant Olin A. Heifner, Palestine, Texas; (Second row) Private William Shapiro, Saratoga Springs, New York; Private William L. Wheeler, Stanton, Virginia; Private Kreps A. Eichelberger, Hagerstown, Maryland; Corporal B.J. Morganstern, Long Island, New York; (Last row) Private Leonard F. Harrison, Colfax, Indiana; Private W.L. Harris, Fort Smith, Arkansas; Private Ralph E. Green, Stoughton, Massachusetts; and T/4 Hugh B. Landwin of Washington, Georgia.
Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
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