Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 1262


Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 1262

Reference Number






From back of print: The Women's Army Volunteer Corps (WAVC). First row (left to right): Mrs. Marjorie H. Breffeilh, Miss Muriel Allen, Mrs. Agnes Kellett, Miss Betsy Fitzgerald. Second row: Miss Edith Ornellas, Mrs. Eris Trusso, Miss Dorothy Stagbar, Miss K.Y. Kam. Third row: Mrs. Lorna Hoopai, Mrs. Gladys Bent, Miss Sanaye Watasuki, Mrs. Edith Chang. Fourth row: Miss Florence Vierra, Miss Barbara Rohr, Mrs. Melissa Vickery, Mrs. Rena Kanealii.

Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)

21 x 25.5 cm

Is Part Of

Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library


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