From back of print: Price Control Section. First row (left to right): Mrs. Rudolph Eskovitz, John Canonigado, James Higashida, Edward Archer, Mrs. Mary F. Bush, Mrs. Isabelle Petrowski, Miss Eunice Lee, Miss Wally Heavilin, Mrs. Audrey Chickering, Miss Nina Dillow, Miss Johanna Wilcox, Miss Lorraine Shigihara, Mrs. Ruby Norris, Mrs. Edna M. Minnear, Karl Borders (Office of Price Administration Advisor to Military Governor). Second row: Harry Choy, George C. Mansfield, Ned Bingham, Benjamin Draper. Third row: Lieutenant Frederick Simpich, Jr., Director, Sergeant Harry Steyer, Lieutenant Ernest C. Moore, Lieutenant Sherman Hoyt, Captain Powers. Fourth row: James Richmond, Joseph Baird, Carl Auerbach (Attorney from Office of Price Administration, Washington, D.C.).
Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
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