From back of print: En route home after being liberated from Japanese prisoner of war camps, these Illinois men stopped off on Oahu, Hawaii for an aloha reception. Left to right, front row: Corporal Philip E. Patrick, Galesburg, Illinois; Corporal Charles J. Sisk, Hamelsburg, Illinois; Technical Sergeant Nolin L. Wellman, Danville, Illinois; Corporal George H. Lindig, Peoria, Illinois; and Corporal Joseph L. Purlee, Collinsville, Illinois. Back row: Staff Sergeant Sidney D. Schwartz, Peoria, Illinois; Staff Sergeant Lawrence J. Jordan, Chicago, Illinois; Major George R. Moore, Chicago, Illinois; Staff Sergeant John B. Dick, East Peoria, Illinois; and Sergeant Barney C. Ozella, Creve Coeur, Illinois.
Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
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