From back of print: A group of Californians. Part of the 60 RAMPs (Recovered American Military Personnel) en route by the Air Transport Command to the continental United States, pause for aloha ceremonies at Middle Pacific Headquarters. Left to right: Corporal Lloyd Griffiths, Fullerton; Corporal Ray H. Hafer, Monterey Park; Technical Sergeant Francis E. Bell, Sacramento; Captain Maxwell M. Andler, Los Angeles; Major James D. Richardson, Alhambra; Major Marvin I. Pizer, Los Angeles; Private First Class Frank Burns, Long Beach; Staff Sergeant Glenn D. Brokaw, Salinas. Back row: First Lieutenant Richard P. Fulmer, Los Angeles; Private Ralph M. St. Cloud, Chico; and Technical Sergeant William J. Mason, Los Angeles.
Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
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