"66 Days in Hell"--Back from the Dead. Nine army airmen who had been given up as dead after their Flying Fortress was shot down somewhere in the Solomons area; after which they had a 66-day journey in a rubber boat before being rescued. They pause in Honolulu en route to the mainland. Left to right, front row, are Corporal W.H. Nichols of Keiser, Ark.; Corporal Theodore Edwards of Youngstown, Ohio; Corporal R.J. Turnbull of San Antonio, Tex.; and Lt. Balfour C. Gibson of Berkeley, Cal. Rear row, left to right, are Lt. Ernest C. Ruiz of Santa Barbara, Cal.; Lt. Robert J. Dorwart of Seattle, Wash.; Maj. Thomas J. Classen of West Depere, Wis.; Sergeant Don Martin of Decatur, Ill., and Sergeant Jim Hunt of Effingham, Ill.
Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
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