Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 0707


Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 0707

Reference Number






USO officials in Hawaii who today opened the first session of a three day conference in Honolulu. Seated left to right, are Gwen Boyle, office manager; Frank C. Atherton, chairman of the board; Miss Nell Findley, director for Kauai, and Mrs. Alice H. Cooke (J. Platt Cooke), territorial director. Standing, left to right, are Clarence G. Noyce, director for Oahu; Richard Palmatier, director of Hawaii; Edwin E. Bond, USO director of operations; Clinton S. Childs, director of Maui, and John F. Stone, comptroller.

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Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library


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