WORLD WAR I MOTHERS KNIT AGAIN -- AT KAUMAKAPILI CHURCH--Shown above is a group of Hawaiian mothers, with a male guest, who knitted socks, sweaters and beanies for 1917 doughboys and now are actively clicking their needles for the Red Cross in the 104-year-old Kaumakapili church. Left to right, seated: Philip Kapaona, Mrs. Elizabeth Kamahoahoa, Mrs. Henry Poepoe, Mrs. Julia Smythe, Mrs. Lily Kamiopili and Mrs. Maggie Apoi. Standing, left to right: Mrs. Helen Kapaona, Mrs. Martha Hohu, Mrs. Harriet Kaiwa, Mrs. Clara Bell, Mrs. Mikala Akana, Mrs. Mary Ann Helenihi, Mrs. Minnie Ahia, and Mrs. Annie Kopa.
Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
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