Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 0610


Hawaii War Records Depository HWRD 0610

Reference Number






RED CROSS WORKERS: Medical social and recreational workers assigned to the Hawaiian area by the American National Red Cross for service in military and naval hospitals. Workers will be assigned as needs indicate and in accordance with military authority. Front row, left to right: Luey Jamieson, Gladys M. Watt, assistant field supervisor for hospital service; Jane M. Martin, Mary K. Benedict. Middle row, left to right--Dorothy M. Underwood, Mrs. Margaret Gilmer, Anne H. Shipley, Mildred C. Ferguson, Mrs. Clarinda Entriken. Back row, left to right--Elizabeth R. Lyon, Dorothy O. Bowlby, Elizabeth A. Ackermann, Josephine Jack and Avis J. Beaulieu.

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Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library


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