Page 25 – Nodal band of vascular tissue


Page 25 – Nodal band of vascular tissue



c. 1940



Page 25 – Nodal band of vascular tissue

Fig. 22 . Nodal band of vascular tissue. A, longitudinal section of the apical portion of a stem of a 4-months-old plant to show a cross section view of the band of girdling vascular tissue (in the procambial stage). This band consists of deflected lateral leaf bundles and auxiliary bud strands, in the nodal region of the cortex, just beneath the stem surface. B, shows the same in a section cut parrallel to the surface to present a longitudinal view. cp, cortical parenchyma; lep, leaf epidermal cells (adaxial side); lps, procambial cells in cross section; sep, stem epidermal cells; xps, procambial cells in cross section. X340.