Pineapples At Harvest Time


Pineapples At Harvest Time

Reference Number



c. 1940


Six male pineapple field workers are carrying or unloading their bags of picked pineapple onto a pile of pineapples between two fields of pineapple rows. There are two wooden crate boxes to the left of the pile of pineapple on the dirt path. All of the pineapple-picking men are wearing long sleeve shirts with pants or denim jumpers and hats. Behind the men are many rows of pineapple plants and the lower section of a mountain range. To the far right between the pineapple field and the mountain is a forest of trees. 11.5 x 7 cm (4.5 x 2.75 inches) horizontal

Spatial Coverage (Location)

Is Part Of

UH Manoa Hamilton Hawaiian Rare PHOTOGRAPH H00009