Unite with Waiahole Waikane!


Unite with Waiahole Waikane!



c. 1976



MARCH 1 is the date set for the next eviction attempt. Joe Pao wants to put in 7,000 high-cost units ($45,000 to $250,000)--houses we and most people cannot afford. Because we're organized and have broad support, we're still in our homes and farms after 31/2 years of fighting eviction.

Pao now wants the State Land Use Commission to rezone Waikane from agriculture to urban--for his profits. WE ARE DETERMINED NOT TO LET PAO GET THE ZONING! Clearly, in spite of the "negotiations", Marks & Pao are continuing their attacks on us. So, we call on all supporters who can do so to attend the Feb. 4 Commission meeting to STOP PAO NOW!

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