Captions - upper left: 1817 MAP by Russian explorer Kotzebue shows natural coastline of Native Hawaiians with offshore fishing and surfing reefs later destroyed by haole (foreign) urbanizers. This area is called Fr Armstrong and Kaka'ako today. - lower left: THIS 3-pointed arrow shows Flies surfing area near Honolulu Harbor. It's right where these 687 parking stalls are planned! Above photo taken June 4, 1993! Planners falsified Flies' location! - Center top: Kakaakao a huge rubbish dump in the ocean 1958* - Center middle: ABOVE MAP is based on Hawaiian Dredging & Construction Co. data. From Bishop Museum, it shows 4,303 acres of Oahu natural south shore plundered and destoyed by Dillingham in 16 destructive coastal dredging projects for huge private profits in the period from the armed overthrow of the Hawaiian Nation to 1957! - lower right: 1958* SIXTY-FIVE years after illegal military conquest of Hawai'i. Kaka'ako coastline had become this huge stinky rubbish dump in the ocean! 1959** Territorial Planning Office proposed a $56,000 dredging of most reefs from Pearl Harbor east to Kane'ohe! They included building a new Capitol on "Flies" surfing area! 1960** This second WAIKIKI proposed in Ala Moana Park would have destroyed all surfing between Kewalo and Ala Wai!