page 128 from a book or monograph. caption: "Plates XVI & XVII. Condoms and raw sewage float into Waikiki Beach (above) from the city's main sewer outfall four miles away whenever westerly winds blow, usually during winter months, the height of the tourist season. The photo above was taken on the morning of Jan. 18, 1974. The Department of Health found the fecal coliform bacteria' count (1,100) five times higher than the danger level (200) on Jan. 11 but had refused to post warning signs. The Department 'averages' high with low bacteria counts over a year, many believe, to protect the tourist industry. with this arithmetic, even lethally polluted waters can never be dangerous. Citizen groups warned residents and tourists with their own Sign (below) as a tourist industry spokesman threatened them with 'legal action.' Photos by the author."