Petion to end nuclear testing in the Pacific and support independence for Pacific peoples


Petion to end nuclear testing in the Pacific and support independence for Pacific peoples




"French nuclear testing in the Pacific results in gross pollution of the environment and increasingly poor health and even death of the indigenous people of French Polynesia who have endured 22 years of French nuclear testing. fallout, pollution, waste dumping and direct radiation. We the undersigned, are united to:
* End nuclear testing in the Pacific and
* Support independence for Pacific Island Peoples.
We urgently appeal to President Mitterand. the French government and the good people of France to:
*Stop testing of all nuclear devices.
*Address the illnesses and other ill effects suffered by the
people, and
* Repair the damage and pollution of land, water, sea and air.
Return petition to Na 'Oiwi O Hawai'i, P.O. Box 37841, Honolulu, HI 96837--Mahalo. For information, call Malama Pono

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