Faculty in front of Maertens House


Faculty in front of Maertens House


c. 1908



The Faculty of the College of Hawai'i pose on the steps of the Thomas Maertens House, the first home of the College of Hawai'i. The photograph dates from the 1908/09 academic year. The faculty pictured are: row 1, l-r, Briggs E. Porter, animal husbandry; John W. Gilmore, president and agriculture; John Mason Young, engineering; row 2, l-r, unknown; John S. Donagho, mathematics; unknown; row 3, l-r, Agnes Hunt, domestic science; unknown; Minnie E. Chipman, ceramics; Carrie P. Green, library [?]; row 4, l-r, Willis T. Pope, agriculture [?]; and
Raymond C. Severance, physics. The photograph image is on a glass plate negative, a photographic technology in which the medium was a glass plate approximately one-sixteenth of an inch thick rather than a film of plastic. Glass plate negatives can break; note the black area in the upper left corner of the print which shows the corner broken off before this print was made.

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Archives and Manuscripts, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library

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