Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross]: Station XII, Il Meurt [He Dies]


Chemin de Croix [Way of the Cross]: Station XII, Il Meurt [He Dies]



c. 1918


Woodcut print. Charlot began the drawings for the 15 prints that comprise Chemin de Croix in France in 1918 after he was drafted into the army. As he progressed through Germany during the French occupation of the Rhineland, he cut, with a pocket knife, most of the pear-wood planks that he carried with him. An edition of 17 was printed after he was demobilized and returned to France. Station XII shows the grieving women at the foot of the cross. In the tradition of medieval art Charlot included his self-portrait. In the upper left he holds his own heart and wears his French army uniform.

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Charlot Collection, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa Library

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