Red women’s detachment (Hong se niang zi jun 红色娘子军)


Red women’s detachment (Hong se niang zi jun 红色娘子军)






Lian huan hua 连环画. Chinese title: Hong se niang zi jun 红色娘子军. Abstract: This is a picture-story book about Qionghua (琼花), a slave girl in the house of Nan Batian (南霸天), a tyrannical landlord on Hainan (海南) Island. She is so cruelly treated that she runs away and joins the Red Army with the help of an officer named Hong Changqing (洪常青). In the grim revolutionary struggles she fights bravely. And after Hong gives his life in covering the withdrawal of the main forces. Qionghua shoulders the tasks left by the martyr and leads her comrades in counter attacking the enemy. She kills Nan Batian in the battle.The story pays tribute to the unconquerable spirit of the Red Army fighters and to the vigorous revolutionary struggle waged by the people of Hainan Island under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.

Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)

136 pages
13 x 18 cm.