Introduction by Alex Bittelman. Missing back cover. Contents: Manifesto of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, March 18, 1933 -- Statement of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, March 30, 1933 -- Open letter to socialist workers from the Central Committee of the Communist Party, May 26, 1934 -- A serious word to the Socialist Party / by Earl Browder, July 14, 1934 -- Exchange of letters between Earl Browder and Norman Thomas, August 25, 1934 -- Letter of National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, Sept. 6, 1934 -- Reply of Central Committee of the Communist Party, September 15, 1934 -- Letter of the Communist Party of North and South Carolina to Norman Thomas and the Socialist Party of North and South Carolina and Georgia, September 21, 1934 -- United Front leaflet in Trumbull County, Ohio, November 5, 1934 -- Letter of the Central Committee of the Communist Party to the National Executive Committee of the Socialist Party, October 11, 1934 -- Appeals of the Executive Committees of the Communist International and the young Communist International, October 12, 1934.