Kaizawa 2-007: Portrait of Stanley Kaizawa in civilian clothes, Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) Office, Kanto Haiden 関東配電, Japan, Allied Occupation of Japan, 1947


Kaizawa 2-007: Portrait of Stanley Kaizawa in civilian clothes, Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) Office, Kanto Haiden 関東配電, Japan, Allied Occupation of Japan, 1947

Person Depicted

Kaizawa, Stanley, 1921-2007





Kaizawa interview 13 June 2000:

We often wore aloha shirts, and usually we didn’t wear suits to go to work. Here I am in a suit, behind my name plate, with the kabuki poster behind me. This definitely is at Kanto Haiden because of the poster. So it is probably 1947. Earle’s (Earle Ernst) desk is just to the left of the picture.

This is one of the few color photos in three Kaizawa albums.

Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)

7.6 x 11.0 cm



Relation (Related Resource)

Is Part Of

Stanley Kaizawa Collection, UHM Library Asia Collection Department