Kaizawa 3-021: Group photo of Ikuko Endo, Emiko Takayanagi, and Ethel Uchida in kimono on Kantō Haiden 関東配電 building rooftop, Allied Occupation of Japan, 1947
Kaizawa 3-021: Group photo of Ikuko Endo, Emiko Takayanagi, and Ethel Uchida in kimono on Kantō Haiden 関東配電 building rooftop, Allied Occupation of Japan, 1947
Kaizawa Interview March 14 2001: Picture number 10: a group is standing on the roof of Kanto Haiden. Stanley points out his first wife, who also worked in the office with Stanley.
Kaizawa Interview Nov 2001: The photos of Ethel & my wife in kimono was on the roof of Kantō Haiden.