Vekhov (Valuev), Sergei Semenovich

Name (Russian)

Vekhov (Valuev), Sergei Semenovich

Name (English)

Vehoff-Valuev, Serge

Page Number



Description (Russian)

ВЕХОВ (ВАЛУЕВ) Сергей Семенович (Vehoff-Valuev, Serge), родился 25 сентября 1885 в г. Красноярске. Токарь. В запасе, служил в 24-м Восточно-Сибирском стрелковом полку. Приехал на Гавайские о-ва с семьей отчима Валуева С.С. (1911)и работал на плантациях. В 1912 г. уехал на заработки в Сан-Франциско. Прожив 1 г. и 2 мес., вернулся в Гонолулу, родители не хотели переезжать в Калифорнию. В последнее время работал токарем в Honolulu Iron Work ($2,5). 18 сент. 1917 г. подал заявление на отъезд в Россию с целью «исполнить долг перед родиной и поступить на военную службу». Вместе с ним выезжала семья: жена - Федосья Алексеевна (Feodosia), дочь А.Мартынова*, 22 г. и 2 детей: Валентина (Valentina) (2,5 г.) и Евгений (Eugen) 1 и 2 г. Консул сделал приписку: «Application not forwarded, no photo, not going to Russia, changed his mind. One of the Vehoff Bros. has been in San Francisco where he spread rumours that he had to run away from Hawaii because the Russ God was forcing the Russians to return to their country!»
Ист.: Интервью. Л. 11.


Vekhov (Valuev), Sergei Semenovich. Born Sept. 25, 1885 in Krasnoiarsk. Came to Hawaii in 1911 with his step-father's family Valuev S. S. He worked on plantations. In 1912 he went to San Francisco were where he worked for 1 yr. and 2 mos. as blacksmith. Then he returned to Honolulu. Sept. 18, 1918 he wanted to returned to Russia also with the same reason as his brother. Together with him was his wife Fedos'ia Aleksandrovna, 22 yrs. old. with 2 children 1 and 2 yrs. old. The Consul (Trauts.) noted: "Application not forwarded, no photo, not going to Russia, changed his mind. One of the Vehoff Bros. has been in San Francisco where he spread rumors that he had to run away from Hawaii because the Russian Govt was forcing the Russians to return to their country."