Debs centennial: written on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Eugene V. Debs
Place of Publication
New York
Pioneer pocket library [series], no. 5. Title on the cover: "Eugene V. Debs: The Socialist Movement of His Time - Its Meaning For Today."
Contents: Labor and socialism today -- The making of a socialist -- The role of the agitator -- The double story -- The Debs legend -- The all-inclusive party -- The years of growth and expansion -- Internal conflict and decline -- The role of Debs in the internal conflict -- Debs and Lenin -- The most important lesson.
Contents: Labor and socialism today -- The making of a socialist -- The role of the agitator -- The double story -- The Debs legend -- The all-inclusive party -- The years of growth and expansion -- Internal conflict and decline -- The role of Debs in the internal conflict -- Debs and Lenin -- The most important lesson.
Contains illustration.
Extent (Pages, Duration, Dimensions)
40 pages