Other title: 40 years of education : symposium by Upton Sinclair and many others.
Contents: Greetings from leaders of thought here and abroad -- Fortieth anniversary dinner -- Let us have democracy whole / by Upton Sinclair -- Forty years of the L.I.D. / by H.W. Laidler -- The C.C.F., the League and Canadian progressives / by Frank Scott -- Industrial democratic leadership in Britain today / by A.C. Jones -- Labor, public relations and the L.I.D. / by Julius Hochman -- World war veterans: the need for League cooperation / by C.G. Bolte -- A word from the city government / by Newbold Morris -- The L.I.D.: an inspirer of youth / by Theresa Wolfson -- The L.I.D. and straight thinking / by Norman Thomas -- The League and the Pioneering Spirit / by John L. Childs -- The League and the Democratic Process / by Harry A. Overstreet -- Consumers' Cooperation and the L.I.D. / by Wallace J. Campbell -- "Your Faith Has Kept You Young" / by Algernon Lee -- Messages / from Porter, Voorhia, Kirchway, Held -- Presentation to Harry W. Laidler -- Further League Greetings / from Ickes, Wallace, Simkhovitch and many others.