[v. 1] Greece, Turkey in Europe, Rumania, Servia, Montenegro, Italy, Spain, and Portugal.--[v. 2] France and Switzerland.--[v. 3] Austria-Hungary, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands.--[v. 4] The British Isles.--[v. 5] The north-east Atlantic, islands of the north Atlantic, Scandinavia, European islands of the Arctic ocean, Russia in Europe.--[v. 6] Asiatic Russia: Caucasia, Aralo-Caspian basin, Siberia.--[v. 7] East Asia: Chinese empire, Corea, and Japan.--[v. 8] India and Indo-China.--[v. 9] South-western Asia.--[v. 10] North-east Africa.--[v. 11] North-west Africa.--[v. 12] West Africa.--[v. 13] South and east Africa.--[v. 14] Oceanica.--[v. 15] British North America.--[v. 16] Mexico, Central America, West Indies.--[v. 17] The United States.--[v. 18] The Andes region.--[v. 19] Amazonia and La Plata. Scanned from 3 x 5 inch negative.