Goroka - Madang


Goroka - Madang

Reference Number




c. 1955-10



Dr. Grace's planned itinerary did not initially call for him to visit Goroka. In a 2007 reconstruction of his itinerary, he notes that he made a "short hop" up to Goroka, but does not include dates. Slides 326 - 330 indicate that he flew from Goroka to Madang, and his itinerary initially called for him to be in Madang from October 3 through 5, 1955. "Ramu" refers to the Ramu river. See also slides 327 and 328. To read more about Dr. Grace's activities in Papua New Guinea, see TRIPP report 3 in our digitized documents. (Adobe PDF reader required.)
En route between Goroka (Eastern Highlands) and Madang, Papua New Guinea