Hawaiian Music Collection - Beamer, Mahi (Edwin Mahiai): Performer Biography

Mahi Beamer - born Edwin Mahiai Beamer - is the grandson of legendary singer, pianist, and composer Helen Desha Beamer. He is best known for his ability to sing very high register falsetto songs and for carrying on his grandmother's legacy by translating her Hawaiian language compositions into English and introducing them to the general public via albums recorded in the 1960s. He is also an accomplished hula dancer and composer. Beamer studied music at the famed Julliard School of Music in New York and used his music skills to entertain soldiers at Schofield Base during the Korean war. Afterwards he performed in Waikiki, then spent about 13 years performing in Las Vegas before returning to Hawaii. He has won many awards including the 2008 Living Treasure of Hawaii Award, and he continues to perform today.

Hawaiian Music History, Mahi Beamer Bio and Photos, http://www.hawaiianmusichistory.com/artists/mahi-beamer.htm (Accessed March 3, 20011)
