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Mason, Leonard
174 results
Deep water pass between north end of Parry (Elmer) Island and Japtan (David) Island.
Deep water pass from north end of Parry (Elmer) Island to Japtan (David) Island toward ocean.
From north end of Parry (Elmer) Island same stand as previous slide - toward west....
Parry (Elmer) Island from north end along lagoon shore to south - wood pier in distance.
Parry (Elmer) Island from wooden pier on lagoon side....
From wooden pier on lagoon side of Parry (Elmer) Island toward north....
T boats (LCT's) some reconditioned for Trust Territory service....
Parry (Elmer) Island. Cross island airstrip for small planes - view to south.
Parry (Elmer) Island. View from near south end - dump in mid distance - lagoon side.
Japtan (David) Island.
Japtan (David) Island. From pier on lagoon side (M-boat in foreground)....
Japtan (David) Island. From road near pier, lagoon side, to north....
Japtan (David) Island. From south end....
Japtan (David) Island. Same stand as previous slide to north....
Japtan Island (David) from south end near dump.
Japtan (David) Island from south end (same stand as previous pictures)....
Japtan (David) Island from south end (same stand as previous two slides)....
Japtan (David) Island. View to west along south island road - good vegetation stand on lagoon side.
Japtan (David) Island. From ocean road near south end - antennae farm - view to south....
Japtan (David) Island. Wreckage of freighter on ocean reef.
Japtan (David) Island. From jeep road, ocean side at north end - scaevola bush....
Japtan (David) Island. View across north end to west from ocean side jeep road....
Japtan (David) Island. Coconut stand on lagoon side....
Japtan (David) Island. Bendix operation quarters (mess and recreation halls at left) in coconut grove.
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