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Ventriloquist and his two charges entertain Marshall Islanders as part of a visit by Marine entertainers.
Four Fais men sort newly acquired American money with advice from U.S. Marines. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Just one month before being killed by a burst of machine gun fire on a small island off Okinawa, famed war correspondent Ernie Pyle enjoys a happy moment with local children.
Navy nurses give a yaws injection to a Micronesian child. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Gift-giving druing the war flowed two ways, and many Islanders recall the presents they gave to Allied and Japanese servicemen. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
In return, "in the name of Admiral Nimitz," the Naval officeres present Islanders with a pile of military supplies including cigarettes, cigars, spools of thread, knives, and caramel candy.
Fais Islanders try out a new custom: saluting the American flag. [See "more images" below for complete caption]