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Two Islanders use a new tool as they fill ditches in a manioc garden to control mosquitoes. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
After the Americans recaptured the island, a Pharmacists Mate treats the infected hand of a young Chamorro girl in a Navy dispensary constructed of local material
Lt. Arnold L. Brown, 25, a Navy doctor is shown giving an injection to a native. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
New public health measures were developed during the war to reduce massive troop casualties from malaria. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Gift-giving druing the war flowed two ways, and many Islanders recall the presents they gave to Allied and Japanese servicemen. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
In return, "in the name of Admiral Nimitz," the Naval officeres present Islanders with a pile of military supplies including cigarettes, cigars, spools of thread, knives, and caramel candy.
Members of the Fijian 3rd Battalion, dressed in traditional dance costume, honor officers of the Allied forces with a kava (yaqona) ceremony. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Hundreds of Marshallese natives, representing many atolls in these islands, staged an impressive ceremony on 4th of July, honoring American independence and their own recent freedom from the Japanese. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
On behalf of Solomon Islanders, Jacob Vouza of the Solomon Islandes Defence Force, and honorary Sergeant Major in the U.S. Marine Corps, presents a plaque of gratitude to the commander of U.S. forces on the island. [See "more images" below for complete caption]