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Truth Seeker Company
Social Movements
40 results
False Claims. An address delivered before the New York Freethinkers' Association, at Rochester, N.Y., Sept. 1, 1883.
Thomas Paine's examination of the prophecies: A consideration of the passages in the New Testament quoted from the Old and called prophecies concerning Jesus Christ.
Priestly celibacy exposed: a lecture
Sister Lucy and her awful disclosures: respecting New Hall Convent, Boreham, Essex, England.
Self contradictions of the Bible: 144 propositions, thological, moral, historical, and speculative; each proved affirmatively and negatively by Quotations from scripture. Without comment; embodying the most palpable and striking self-contradictions of the so-called inspired Word of God
Secret instructions of the Jesuits
Thumbscrew and rack: torture implements employed in the XVth and XVIth centuries for the promulgation of Christianity.
Answer of Ernst Haeckel to the falsehoods of the Jesuits, Catholic and Protestant, from the German pamphlet "Sandalion," and "My church departure"; being Haeckel's reasons, as stated by himself, for his late withdrawal from the Free Evangelical church, with comments by Joseph McCabe and Thaddeus Burr Wakeman.
Bible idolatry
Moses an Egyptian god: facts and legends identify him with Bacchus.
Dropsy or the design argument bubble: being a short review of God's design-wisdom for the welfare of man.
Kind of a man Clark Braden is.
Uselessness of prayer.
Why don't God kill the Devil?
Church and freethought
Last link in evolution: haeckel on the immediate ancestors of man.
Chicago Bible: moral and education fraud; attempt to force Bible and religious worship into the schools.
Real and ideal Christianity: religion, historical and popular.
What is God?
Religion of bloodshed.
Naming of the animals: Adam's herculean labors.
Commentary on Matthew, A: its statements examined.
Jehovah, Mary, and Jesus: their mysterious relationship considered
Story of "Creation," The: the mosaic cosmogony according to Genesis
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