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Performing arts
Kaizawa, Stanley Y.
18 results
Kaizawa 2-158: Photograph of three actors (2 female, 1 male) on stage during a performance, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1946
Kaizawa 3-037: Kabuki scene Shibaraku 暫く"Little While," which features three prominent actors: Kichiemon Nakamura I 中村吉右衛門 1世, Koshiro Matsumoto VII 松本幸四郎 7世, and Ennosuke Ichikawa II 市川猿之助 2世; Allied occupation of Japan, 1947
Kaizawa 3-039: Kabuki actors Onoe, Kikugoro VI 尾上, 菊五郎 6世 and Onoe, Baiko VII 尾上, 梅幸 7世 performing a kabuki scene, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 3-040: Kabuki actor Onoe, Baiko VII 尾上, 梅幸 7世 performing an onnagata (woman's) role on stage, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa 3-041: Kabuki actor Onoe, Kikugoro VI 尾上, 菊五郎 6世 performing in Fujimusume 藤娘 with nagauta accompaniment, Allied Occupation of Japan ca. 1948
Kaizawa 3-042: Kabuki actor Nakamura Shikan VI (中村, 芝翫 6世) and nagauta accompaniment in Musume Dojoji 娘道成寺, Allied Occupation of Japan ca. 1947
Kaizawa 2-154: Four Japanese actors on stage (3 female, 1 male), Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1946
Kaizawa box 13-001-1: Kabuki actor Nakamura, Kichiemon I 中村, 吉右衛門 1世, as Dankuro 団九郎 in Shin usuyuki monogatari 新薄雪物語
Kaizawa box 13-002: Kabuki actor Nakamura, Shikan VI 中村, 芝翫 6世 (later : Nakamura, Utaemon VI, 中村, 歌右衛門 6世) as Princess Taema 雲の絶間姫 in Narukami 鳴神, Allied Occupation of Japan
Kaizawa box 13-003: A signed image of kabuki actor Nakamura, Kichiemon I 中村, 吉右衛門 1世 as Sasaki Moritsuna 佐々木盛綱 in Omi genji 近江源氏, Allied Occupation of Japan
Kaizawa box 13-004: Two kabuki actors in Renjishi 連獅子 costume, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa box 13-005: Two kabuki actors on stage playing Nozaki Mura, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa box 13-006: Kabuki actors Ichikawa, Ebizo IX 市川, 海老蔵 9世 as Benten Kozo and Onoe, Shoroku II 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Nango in a scene from Shiranami Gonin Otoko 白浪五人男
Kaizawa box 13-007: Eight kabuki actors on stage during Nozaki Mura, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa box 13-008: Two kabuki actors performing on the left side of a double ramp stage (ryo hanamichi 花道) during Nozaki Mura, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945
Kaizawa box 13-009: Kabuki actor Nakamura, Shikan VI 中村, 芝翫 6世 and nagauta accompaniment performing Musume Dojoji, Allied Occupation of Japan
Kaizawa box 13-010: Kabuki actor Onoe, Baiko VII 尾上, 梅幸 7世 (right) as Enya Hangan acting out a seppuku scene with another actor in Kanadehon Chūshingura 仮名手本忠臣蔵
Kaizawa box 13-011-1: Kabuki actor Matsumoto, Koshiro VIII (right) as Yuranosuke 由良助, and two other actors performing the final scene in Kanadehon Chūshingura 仮名手本忠臣蔵 where Yuranosuke takes Moronao's head to fulfill his duty to Lord Hangan