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Performing arts
尾上, 松緑 2世, 1913-1989
23 results
Kaizawa 1-026: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Togashi 富樫 in Ataka no seki 安宅の関
Kaizawa 1-034: Kabuki actors - Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世 as Shizuka Gozen 静御前 and Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Tadanobu 忠信 in the dance scene, "Yoshinoyama 吉野山" from Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本櫻
Kaizawa 1-035: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Tadanobu 忠信 in the dance scene, "Yoshinoyama 吉野山" from Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本櫻
Kaizawa 1-036: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Tadanobu 忠信 in the dance scene, "Yoshinoyama 吉野山" from Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本櫻
Kaizawa 1-037: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Tadanobu 忠信 in the dance scene, "Yoshinoyama 吉野山" from Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本櫻
Kaizawa 1-040: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Togashi in Kanjincho 勧進帳
Kaizawa 1-046: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Genzo 源蔵 in "Terakoya 寺子屋" from Sugawara denju tenarai kagami菅原伝授手習鑑
Kaizawa 1-055: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 standing in a room with a sword in his hand
Kaizawa 1-056-1: Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 sitting in a room
Kaizawa 1-066: Kabuki actor- Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Oshimodoshi 押戻し (The Demon Repeller) in Onna Narukami 女鳴神
Kaizawa 1-067: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Oshimodoshi 押戻し (The Demon Repeller) in Onna Narukami 女鳴神
Kaizawa 1-069: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Sogoro 宗五郎 in Sakanaya Sogoro 魚屋宗五郎
Kaizawa 1-072: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Adachi Ganemon 安達元右衛門 in Tenkachaya 天下茶屋
Kaizawa 1-085: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Kajiwara Heizo Kagetoki 梶原平三景時 in Yoshitsune senbon zakura 義経千本桜
Kaizawa 1-098: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Benkei 弁慶 in Kanjincho 勧進帳
Kaizawa 1-100: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Ikkyu 意休, in Sukeroku Flower of Edo 助六所縁江戸桜
Kaizawa 1-113: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Sekibei 関兵 in Seki no to 関の扉
Kaizawa 1-134: Kabuki actors - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 (left) as Kōmori Yasu (Yasu the Bat) 蝙蝠安 and Ichikawa, Ebizo IX, 市川, 海老蔵 9世 (later: Ichikawa, Danjuro XI, 市川, 團十郎 11世) (right) as Kirare Yosa 切られ与三(Scarface Yosa) from the Genjidana scene of Yo wa nasake ukina no yokogushi 与話情浮名横櫛
Kaizawa 1-136: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as So Chichu 僧智籌 in Tsuchigumo 土蜘
Kaizawa 1-137: Kabuki actors - Ichikawa, Ebizo IX, 市川, 海老蔵 9世 as Benten kozo 弁天小僧 (center) and Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Nango 南郷 (lower left) - in "Hamamatsu-ya 浜松屋" scene of Shiranami Gonin Otoko 白波五人男
Kaizawa 1-139: Kabuki actors - Ichikawa, Ebizo IX, 市川, 海老蔵 9世 as Benten kozo 弁天小僧 (lower right) and Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Nango 南郷 (lower left) - in final tableau in "Inasegawa" scene of Shiranami gonin otoko 白波五人男
Kaizawa 1-140: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Danshichi Kurobei 団七九郎兵衛 in Natsu matsuri naniwa kagami 夏祭浪花鏡
Kaizawa box 13-006: Kabuki actors Ichikawa, Ebizo IX 市川, 海老蔵 9世 as Benten Kozo and Onoe, Shoroku II 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Nango in a scene from Shiranami Gonin Otoko 白浪五人男