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Kaizawa 2-166: Earle Ernst sitting at his desk reading documents at the Civil Censorship Detachment (CCD) office in Kanto Haiden Building 関東配電, Allied Occupation of Japan, 1947
Kaizawa 2-079: Earle Ernst standing next to sign Chigirajinsentei 千明仁泉亭, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1946
Kaizawa 2-080: Earle Ernst and a bespectacled Japanese man in Western clothes standing in front of house remains, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1946
Kaizawa 2-054: Earle Ernst and Freddie Yoshida in uniform standing at Noboribetsu 登別, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1946
Kaizawa 2-167: Group photo of Earle Ernst, James Kobayashi, and Seymour Palestin in Asakusa 浅草, standing in front of a building, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1945