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Stanley Kaizawa Collection
45 results
Kaizawa 1-014: Kabuki actors - Ichikawa, Ebizo IX, 市川, 海老蔵 9世, (later : Ichikawa, Danjuro XI, 市川, 團十郎 11世) as Yoemon 与右衛門 and Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世, as Kasane 累, from the dance scene in Kasane かさね
Kaizawa 1-015: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世, as Kasane 累 in Kasane かさね
Kaizawa 1-016: Kabuki actors - Ichikawa, Ebizo IX, 市川, 海老蔵 9世 (later : Ichikawa, Danjuro XI, 市川, 團十郎 11世) as Yoemon 与右衛門 poses over Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世, as Kasane 累 with her face disfigured by the spirit of her father who was murdered by Yoemon years ago, in the dance Kasane かさね
Kaizawa 1-018: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世 as Oshu 逢州 in Hototogisu goshozome 時鳥御所染
Kaizawa 1-019: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Kikugorō VI, 尾上, 菊五郎 6世 as Anewa-no-Heiji 姉輪平次 in Genpei Sakigake Tsutsuji 源平魁躑躅
Kaizawa 1-021: Kabuki actor - Nakamura, Shikan VI, 中村, 芝翫 6世, (later : Nakamura, Utaemon VI, 中村, 歌右衛門 6世) as Takiyasha hime 瀧夜叉姫 in Masakado 将門
Kaizawa 1-026: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Togashi 富樫 in Ataka no seki 安宅の関
Kaizawa 1-027: Kabuki actors - Matsumoto, Koshiro VII, 松本, 幸四郎 7世 as Kumagai Jirō Naozane 熊谷次郎直実 and Otani Tomoemon VII 大谷, 友右衛門 7世 as Taira no Atsumori 平敦盛, pose in the rarely performed "Ogiya Kumagai" dance scene in Suma no miyako genpei tsutsuji 須磨都源平躑躅 (Ogiya Kumagai 扇屋熊谷)
Kaizawa 1-032-1: Kabuki actor -Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世 as Minaduru hime 皆鶴姫 in Kiichihogan sanryaku maki鬼一法眼三略巻
Kaizawa 1-033: Kabuki actor -Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世 as Shizuka Gozen 静御前 in "Yoshinoyama 吉野山" from Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本櫻
Kaizawa 1-034: Kabuki actors - Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世 as Shizuka Gozen 静御前 and Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Tadanobu 忠信 in the dance scene, "Yoshinoyama 吉野山" from Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本櫻
Kaizawa 1-035: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Tadanobu 忠信 in the dance scene, "Yoshinoyama 吉野山" from Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本櫻
Kaizawa 1-036: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Tadanobu 忠信 in the dance scene, "Yoshinoyama 吉野山" from Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本櫻
Kaizawa 1-037: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Tadanobu 忠信 in the dance scene, "Yoshinoyama 吉野山" from Yoshitsune Senbonzakura 義経千本櫻
Kaizawa 1-038: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世 as Minamoto Yoshitsune 源義経 disguising as the porter in Kanjincho 勧進帳
Kaizawa 1-039: Kabuki actor - Ichikawa, Ebizo IX, 市川, 海老蔵 9世, (later : Ichikawa, Danjuro XI, 市川, 團十郎 11世) as Benkei reading the subscription list in Kanjincho 勧進帳
Kaizawa 1-040: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Togashi in Kanjincho 勧進帳
Kaizawa 1-041: Kabuki actor - Nakamura, Kichiemon I, 中村, 吉右衛門 1世 as Saisaki Iganokami 幸崎伊賀守 in Shin usuyuki monogatari 新薄雪物語
Kaizawa 1-045: Kabuki actor - Nakamura, Kichiemon I, 中村, 吉右衛門 1世 as Dankuro 団九郎 in Shin usuyuki monogatari 新薄雪物語
Kaizawa 1-046: Kabuki actor - Onoe, Shoroku II, 尾上, 松緑 2世 as Genzo 源蔵 in "Terakoya 寺子屋" from Sugawara denju tenarai kagami菅原伝授手習鑑
Kaizawa 1-047: Kabuki actor - Ichikawa, Ebizo IX, 市川, 海老蔵 9世 (later : Ichikawa, Danjuro XI, 市川, 團十郎 11世) as Matsuomaru 松王丸inspecting the head of Kan Shusai (actually his own son, Kotaro) in "Terakoya 寺子屋" from Sugawara denju tenarai kagami 菅原伝授手習鑑
Kaizawa 1-048: Kabuki actors, father and his adopted son - Nakamura, Kichiemon I, 中村, 吉右衛門 1世, (left) as Matsuemon 松右衛門 , Nakamura Mannosuke 中村萬之助 (Nakamura, Kichiemon II 中村, 吉右衛門 2世) as Komawaka 駒若 (right) in Hirakana ひらかな
Kaizawa 1-049: Kabuki actors, father and his adopted son - Nakamura, Kichiemon I, 中村, 吉右衛門 1世 (left) as Banzuiin Chobei 幡隨院長兵衛, Nakamura Mannosuke 中村萬之助 (Nakamura, Kichiemon II 中村, 吉右衛門 2世) as Nagamatsu 長松 (right) in Gozonji Manaita chobei 御存俎長兵衛
Kaizawa 1-054: Kabuki actor - Ichikawa, Somegoro V, 市川, 染五郎 5世 as Hikoshichi 彦七 in Omori Hikoshichi 大森彦七
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