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Kaizawa 1-122: Kabuki actor as a woman sitting with a Japanese smoking pipe in her hand in the living room
Kaizawa 1-005: Kabuki actors as Ikyu 意休 (left) and Agemaki 揚巻 (right) from the play Sukeroku, Flower of Edo 助六所縁江戸桜
Kaizawa 2-158: Photograph of three actors (2 female, 1 male) on stage during a performance, Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1946
Kaizawa 2-154: Four Japanese actors on stage (3 female, 1 male), Allied Occupation of Japan, ca. 1946
Kaizawa 1-107: Narukami 鳴神soothes Lady Taema's chest pain in Narukami, the Thunder God (or Narukami) 鳴神
Kaizawa 1-123: Kabuki actors as Matsuomaru 松王丸, Umeomaru 梅王丸 and Sakuramaru 桜丸— posing in Kurumabiki 車引
Kaizawa 1-129: Kabuki actors as Azuma Yoshiro 吾妻与四郎, Naniwa no Jirosaku 浪花次郎作, and Kamuro Tayori 禿たより in Modori kago 戻り駕
Kaizawa 1-131: Kabuki actors - Onoe, Baiko VII, 尾上, 梅幸 7世 (right) and an unknown actor playing as women
Kaizawa 1-008: Kabuki actor performing as the courtesan (Oiran 花魁) Agemaki 揚巻 from Sukeroku, Flower of Edo 助六所縁江戸桜