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Three Seabees (including two black Americans) barter with local traders for fruit, betel nut, walking sticks, and grass skirts
Four Fais men sort newly acquired American money with advice from U.S. Marines. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Islanders rescue a U.S. Navy pilot after he made an emergency landing with his seaplane in their lagoon. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
U.S. troops lead Kwajalein people along the beach for evacuation to nearby Enilapkan Island. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Catholic missionaries land on the docks on Guadalcanal after rescue by U.S. Marines and Sailors from one of the Solomon Islands. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Evacuation of natives of Green Island, of New Ireland, to a place of safety is shown in this series of pictures. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Natives assist Marines by loading five-gallon water tins in their outrigger canoes and pushing them through shallow water over a coral reef [See "more images" below for complete caption]
The war introduced various new means of transport that impressed many islanders. Tank landing ships come ashore on a small Pacific atoll.
Tongans sail out to the USS Enterprise to sell or trade beads, shells, grass skirts, and mats to the sailors.
Islanders and sailors from the USS Nicholas exchange grass skirts for cigarettes. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Dressed in native beads they received from the natives of (Mok Island) the crew traded cigarettes, razor blades, and odd bits of cloth for native handicraft and fruit. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Native Guides for Marine Patrol Which Scouted Behind Jap Lines. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Florida Island. . . .Native boys barter bananas for American tobacco with Marines at a Southwest Pacific Island
Natives of a South Pacific island join a Navy labor battalion aas workers and guides. Their first meal aboard ship.
Evacuation of natives of Green Island, of New Ireland, to a place of safety is shown in this series of pictures. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Natives unloading the barge containing supplies for the patrol into the interior of New Britain. [See "more images" below for complete caption]
Natives of a South Pacific island join a navy labor battalion as workers and guides. [See "more images" below for complete caption]