From back of print: Captain Hector G. Munro, executive officer, 2nd Battalion, Molokai-Lanai Volunteer Infantry, introduces Brigadier General Leonard L. Davis, commanding general 48th Anti-Aircraft Artillery brigade, to the Lanai Battalion, Organized Defense Volunteers, at ceremonies in Lanai City, Hawaii, on 4 July 1945, marking release of the ODV from military control. Left to right on platform: First Lieutenant Maurice A. Rogers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, aide-de-camp to General Davis; General Davis; Captain Frederick C. Huber, Staten Island, New York, G-2 Section, Central Pacific Base Command; H.B. Caldwell, assistant manager, Lanai Plantation, Hawaiian Pineapple Company; Captain Munro; and Major Cletus J. Ackert, Buffalo, New York, supply officer, Army Garrison Force, Maui.
Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
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