From back of print: Members of the Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC) sent to Japan after V-J Day. Used to interrogate Japanese soldiers returned from Siberia (from Mr. Kano, April 1999). First row, left to right: Shoichi Funahara, Allan N. Ebesu, Takeo Sasaki, Ralph N. Fujimoto, Alfred K. Nakahara. Second row: Chester K. Song, Ernest S. Matsumoto, Shuro Sakaino, Jinguiyei Mijo, Shen A. Okazaki, Hideo Asada, Earl M. Kato, Matsunobu Urada. Third row: Henry T. Ishimura, Charles S. Hamura, Michio Fujimoto, Teiji Miho, Imaichi Okinishi, Edward T. Imai, Kenneth K. Murakami, Robert T. Takimoto. Absent: Milton Masato Omaye.
Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
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