From back of print: Mainland and Honolulu publishers toured Pearl Harbor and gauged the tempo of the Pacific Ocean Area by vast operations at the busy Hawaiian naval base. Left to right: Mark Ethridge, publisher, Louisville Courier-Journal; Riley N. Allen, editor, Honolulu Star-Bulletin; Rear Admiral William R. Furlong, United States Navy, Commandant of the Pearl Harbor Navy Yard; Palmer Hoyt, publisher, Portland Oregonian; Lorrin Thurstown, publisher Honolulu Advertiser; Walter McCarty, publisher, Indianapolis News; Commander J. Lewton Collins, United States Navy, acting Chief of Staff, 14th Naval District; Ray Coll, Sr., editor, Honolulu Advertiser; and Vice Admiral David W. Bagley, United States Navy, Commander, Hawaiian Sea Frontier and Commandant, 14th Naval District.
Hawaii War Records Depository, Archives & Manuscripts Department, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library
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