Fig. 41 . Aerating system in leaves. A. Transverse section of a portion of the basal (i.e., non-chlorophyllaceous) region of a fully differentiated leaf to show the stellate cells and their attachment to the unspecialized parenchyma cells at the border of a central aerating canal. X100. B. Same, in greater detail. X400. sc. stellate cell; gpc, unspecialized parenchyma cell; is, intercellular space. C. Section of a portion of the transition (i.e., sub-chlorophyllaceous) region of a fully differentiated leaf, cut parallel to the surface, to show secondary aerating canals in cross section. These canals extend from central aerating canals to the stomata on the abaxial side of the leaf. Notice the chloroplasts in the cells which border these canals, and the absence of chloroplasts in the remining parenchyma cells. acs, cells bordering the canal; gpc, cell of the parenchyma ground tissue; sac, secondary aerating canal. X100.